
Behind the scenes - Jürgen Willen

What is your personal slogan?

Where there is a "Willen", there is also a way.

Why Oldenburger?

Because I feel at home here. Where else can you visit so many countries and cities, meet people and experience something different every day?.

What do you like most about your daily work?

Every day a new challenge on board. Solving these challenges where others give up.

How do you find a balance to your daily work?

Family, children, grandchildren and the shooting club.

What was the most impressive building you have ever seen?

The Chion-in Temple in Kyoto has an absolutely fascinating aura.

What was the best book you ever read?

“Fahrensleute” by Gorch Fock, a collection of short stories, partly in Hamburg dialect. In the original in old German script, difficult to read but very impressive.

When was the last time you climbed a tree?

In February, a tree in the neighborhood had to be felled from the crown.

Which travel destinations do you want to purse next?

Every two years I go to Brittany to visit an old friend and former colleague who has been stuck there since a common installation.

What question is missing, what else should we know about you?

Do you regret having taken the step to join the Oldenburger? Not for a second, I worked elsewhere for two years in the meantime, that was enough...

Current news

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Oldenburger wishes you Happy Easter!
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Back in Amsterdam at Mets Trade
Open day at our carpentry workshop – we say thank you!
Open day in our workshop!

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Oldenburger inside

Wood works.

It is essential for our work to become familiar with materials: to know their weaknesses, to make their properties and strengths visible, to show them in new contexts and to let them unfold their effect.

Despite all progress, the creative handling of the original material wood is still a supreme discipline that continues to fascinate us because of its aesthetic and functional possibilities. Being measured against the highest standards here is therefore always a special pleasure for us.
