
Behind the scenes - Dirk Eylers

What is your motto?

All can be calculated!


It's already your second time at Oldenburger.

I worked here once before, about 12 years ago. After getting to know other companies and tasks, I came back with the realization that MY place is here at Oldenburger.
I want to be part of this great and successful team, where everyone is an expert in their field, we work well together and also have a lot of fun. 


What do you like most about your daily work?

The challenge to present our customer with an offer that convinces him that Oldenburger is the best partner for his project.


How do you find a balance to your daily work?

My wife and I have discovered golf for ourselves. It's a sport where you can switch off well. 
Motorcycling is my second passion.


What is the best book you have ever read?

The Art of War (It's far better than the title might suggest). 
or Jimmy Went to the Rainbow (ancient spy novel) 


When was the last time you climbed a tree?

A few weeks ago. Next to our golf course, where we often play, is a large apple tree. I had to get up the tree for that one particularly good looking apple.
It was worth it!


What travel destinations would you like to pursue next?
During the pandemic: Playing on some of the most beautiful golf courses in Germany. 
After the pandemic: riding a motorcycle through the western U.S..

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Apprenticeship at Oldenburger, fantastic news!
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Oldenburger wishes you Happy Easter!
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Back in Amsterdam at Mets Trade
Open day at our carpentry workshop – we say thank you!

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Oldenburger inside

Wood works.

It is essential for our work to become familiar with materials: to know their weaknesses, to make their properties and strengths visible, to show them in new contexts and to let them unfold their effect.

Despite all progress, the creative handling of the original material wood is still a supreme discipline that continues to fascinate us because of its aesthetic and functional possibilities. Being measured against the highest standards here is therefore always a special pleasure for us.
